Taking It Home

    The Importance Of A Home Practice 

"If you are taking yoga classes but not practicing at home, you may be missing the best—and potentially most therapeutic—part of yoga. Your personal practice is where the deepest work happens, when you go inward and go at your own pace."—from Yoga As Medicine, Timothy McCall
Click on the highlighted link below to read the full article:
Home Practice: The Best Way to Improve Your Health and Well-Being

 With so many of my students traveling and  living in other locations for half the year, I thought I would begin to spot-lite some information about developing a home practice during the upcoming summer months.  When you begin doing your home practice, please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns.  Also, if you would like a personalized home practice developed specifically for your special needs or desired area of interest, just contact me to book a private lesson and I will be happy to put a illustrated practice designed just for you. If you are out of the area, we can Skype each other.
Hope you find Timothy's Article interesting!
