Home Practice

Baxter Bell's Weekly Balance Pose Part 1: Reclined Vinyasa #1

Hi All  - Well, I finally figured out how to link a YouTube video to my blog. Yahoo!!! I had hoped to be a "pro blogger" by now, but it has been more of a learning experience in technology then this non-techie yoga chic had bargained for. Through much trial and error, I am finally beginning to understand what I am doing and it is taking me less time, which is HUGE! This whole blog development has recently brought me on an interesting investigation of the Eight -Limb Path of Yoga, especially with one of the Niyamas - Svadhyaya.  The definition of Svadhyaya is: Self-inquiry; any study that helps you understand yourself; the study of sacred text. This practice of yoga encompasses so much more than the asana practice alone.  It touches our lives in so many different ways.

The video below comes from Baxter Bell's - Pose of the Week - YouTube video series.  This particular practice is one that we do, some form of, in almost every one of our classes.  It helps bring balance and ease into the hips, which also affects the alignment of the entire spine.  This video is brought to you in hopes that you will include it in your home practice.  Check out Baxter's other YouTube videos as well as his blog - Yoga For Healthy Aging. Baxter's way of teaching is so great because he makes the yoga poses accessible for every body type. Enjoy!
